+65 6339 8938

Grommet Tubes / Ear Tubes


Myringotomy and grommet tube insertion (Ear Tubes)


Myringotomy and grommet tube insertion (M&T) otherwise known as ear tubes is a simple procedure which takes about 15 minutes. It involves making a small cut on the ear drum while the surgeon is visualizing the ear under an operating microscope, and sucking out the fluid within the middle ear. A tiny ventilation tube (grommet tube) is then placed through it to allow for ventilation of the middle ear and to prevent subsequent build up of the fluid behind the ear drum.

The ventilation tubes (grommet tubes) will be automatically expelled within a few months.


Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital
38 Irrawaddy Road, #10-21/39/40
Singapore 329563

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 830am to 5pm
Saturday: 830am to 1230pm

Mt Alvernia Medical Centre D 820 Thomson Road, #07-65
Singapore 574623

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 830am to 5pm
Saturday: 830am to 1230pm
T: 6258 8638 F: 6258 8632